Thursday, August 15, 2019

Now Scientists Separate X And Y-Chromosome-Carrying Sperms: It Can Be A Great Step to produce beef or milk produces animals by just only selecting the preferred sex of offspring’s

Professor Masayuki Shimada of Hiroshima University told Newsweek of a potential use for their research. "In dairy farms, the value of female cows is much higher than male cows, because milk is only produced by the female cow. In the case of beef meet production, the speed of growing is much higher in male after castration than female. Thus, the value of male calves is higher than female."

Peter Ellis, lecturer in molecular genetics and reproduction at the University of Kent, told Newsweek: "If this study can be replicated—and in particular if it holds true in species other than mice—then the implications would be colossal for both animal and human artificial insemination/assisted reproduction." He asked why the researchers didn't replicate the work in other species, but added: "I doubt it will be long before someone has a look though!" The work potentially allows for sex selection, but stressed "this is only conjecture at present and remains to be tested." David Elliott, professor of genetics at Newcastle University who did not work on the study told Newsweek: "This study gives us a wider understanding of how sperm are made. During meiosis—the kind of cell division that makes sperm, the X chromosome has been thought to be 'turned off', with special genes on other chromosomes replacing those on the X, and these other genes would be shared between X and Y bearing sperm. During the later stages of sperm manufacture, many genes are turned off anyway, as the sperm head becomes miniaturized. This study suggests that despite this the X chromosome can still manage to create a distinct kind of sperm." Elliott said he was surprised "that the two sets of sperm should be so different biochemically, since they develop so closely together."


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