Monday, July 15, 2019

Signs; When Your Pet Should Visit a Vet?

Since pets can't talk, sometimes it can be difficult to detect when they don't feel well or they aren't in perfect health. But there are a lot of signs you may want to bring your pet to the veterinarian including a change in your animal's behavior, water consumption, bathroom habits, and diet. If your pet's skin has some abnormal bumps or lumps or their eyes look different or discolored, you may also want to take them to the vet.
It's natural to want to keep your pets as healthy and happy as possible. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be tough to figure out exactly how your pet is feeling and when they may need medical care. A few signs that your pet may need to see a vet. Keep in mind that although knowing these symptoms can be useful, if you are concerned about your pet's health at any time, you may want to visit a veterinarian for a professional evaluation.

Their bathroom habits are abnormal If you notice that your pet's bathroom habits have changed significantly or that their feces looks different than normal, it might be time to make an appointment with your vet. "Change in the color, consistency, odor, or regularity of bowel movements can all be indicative of anything from inappropriate food, allergies, viruses, bacteria, intestinal parasites, or organ problems," Jessica Trimble, chief veterinary officer for Fuzzy Pet Health, told INSIDER. Diarrhea, blood in the stool, and constipation are all reasons to contact your veterinarian. If you're not able to bring in a stool sample to be tested, be sure to snap a photo of your pet's feces to show your vet if needed.

Your pet is drinking way more water than usual

Believe it or not, humans and animals can develop many of the same diseases. Veterinarian Sara Ochoa told that excessive water drinking may be a sign that your furry pal has diabetes or kidney disease. Both of these conditions can be potentially life-threatening, so it's important to contact your vet for screening if you notice your pet seems unusually thirsty. If caught in time, both animal diabetes and kidney disease can be managed or possibly corrected with medical treatment.

They vomit more than once in 12 hours

If your pet vomits, it could be that they just have an upset stomach or ate food that didn't agree with them but it can also be a sign of something more serious. "A single episode of either vomiting or diarrhea may not be significant but pay attention when vomiting occurs with other symptoms like lethargy and lack of appetite," said Trimble. "In some cases, continuous vomiting may signal a virus, pancreatitis, organ failure, intestinal obstructions, and endocrine diseases." Animals experiencing continuous vomiting and diarrhea can also be at risk of dehydration. Pets with these symptoms often need supportive care, like fluids and anti-nausea medications, and in severe cases, surgery.

They're eating less than usual 

Not all pets have huge appetites, but most animals should be eating regular meals and have an interest in food. A loss of appetite or avoidance of food might be a sign of illness or mouth injury. Keep an eye on your pet's eating habits and make a vet appointment if its been more than a day or two since your animal has eaten.
  • Your cat seems to be panting
  • Your dog is licking the air
  • You notice changes in their breathing
  • Their eyes look unusual
  • pet is showing visible signs of pain
  • They have a cough that lasts for more than a day
  • Behavior noticeably changes


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